Call for contributions (abstracts)
As you may have already learned the 44th ICMM Congress, planned in Brussels for September 2021, has been rescheduled to next year.
The online platform for submissions for the Congress is currently closed, however the submitted abstracts will be kept safe for the live congress in 2022.
We are planning to reopen the platform on Monday 27th of September 2021 for new submissions. The submitters will also be contacted in case they would like to make changes to their existing abstract.
In the meantime, we recommend that you maintain a placeholder in your agenda in the week of 20-24 September for a digital 2021 event. The exact day and time will be communicated soon.
Thank you for supporting the ICMM initiative. Your support is crucial for the success of our congress and your help is very dear to us.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Themes & Categories
Abstracts must be submitted under a specific Theme or Category that corresponds best with its content.
The four major Themes of the conference are listed below with examples of topics that will be covered during the sessions.
Four Themes to structure the dialogue
- The battle against infections & Phage therapy
Topics: Antibiotic Resistance / Pandemics & History / Phage therapy / …
- Far forward surgery - Pre-Hospital Care & Outside Hospital Care
Topics: Damage Control Medicine / Resuscitation techniques / Robot Surgery …
- From rehab to prehab - Putting the soldier back on track
Topics: Physical Rehabilitation / Injury Prevention …
- From shell shock to mental fitness - Human Performance
Topics: Mental Rehabilitation / Well-being / High Performance …
Five Categories to structure specific Domains in military healthcare
- Dentistry
Topics: Mouth Hygiene / Dental Fitness of Troops / Dental Surgery / Medical Imaging Techniques / Augmented Radiology …
- Veterinary
Topics: Zoonoses / Preventive Medicine / Hygiene / Food Safety / Pest Control / Military Dogs / Pack Horses…
- Pharmacy
Topics: Combatting Corona / Vaccination Strategies / Chemical Analysis (e.g. toxins) / Pharmacology / Therapy Compliance / Stock Breaches / Shelf Life Extension …
- Logistics
Topics: Temperature Controls / Cryopreservation & Transport / Remote Environments / Outsourcing of Medical Logistics / Supranational Cooperation…
- Nurses & Paramedics
Topics: Nursing / Personal and Patient Protection / Medical Imaging / Lab Techniques / Ergotherapy / Podology / Audiology…
Note that many presentations will fit in both a Theme and a Category, e.g. zoonoses can be scheduled as part of the Theme 1 - Battle against infection or in the Veterinary Category.
General topics can also be scheduled in a Theme or Category, e.g. Ethics, Global Health, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in healthcare, Data Security, Internet of Things (IoT) in a military context etc…
The scientific committee will decide the “best fit” based on the content, mode of presentation and degree of interaction between the participants. While the Theme sessions consist mainly of (extended) presentations, the Categories will be scheduled in “Round Table Sessions” with interactive presentations and workshops on similar topics.
Types of sessions for accepted abstracts
Your abstract, if accepted, will fall under one of the following presentation types:
- Extended presentation Oral Presentation (45 minutes presentation, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A’s)
- Oral Presentation (20 minutes presentation, followed by 10 minutes of Q&A’s)
- Workshop - Focus Groups (25 minutes presentation, followed by 25 minutes of discussion in a small group)
- Moderated Topic (10 to max. 15 minutes presentation, followed by 2 minutes of Q&A’s)
- Moderated e-Poster or paper poster (5 minutes presentation, followed by 2 minutes of Q&A’s) organized in the posters area presentation corner
- e-Poster or paper poster